
FO Friday: Finished Impossible Socks!

WIP Wednesday: Impossible Geometry Socks: Defeating Second Sock Syndrome!

April Featured Pattern and Knit-Along: Mitered Drawstring Project Bag

WIP Wednesday: Impossible Geometry Socks: Toes!

WIP Wednesday: Impossible Geometry Socks: Onto the Foot!

FO Friday (maybe?): One Finished Sock!

March Featured Pattern and Knit-Along: Garden Lace Socks

WIP Wednesday: Crochet Socks, Now in the Right Size!

WIP Wednesday: Crochet Socks?

WIP Wednesday: Impossible Geometry Socks: The Heel!

February Featured Pattern and Knit-Along: Wrought Mithril Hat

WIP Wednesday: Eyelet Lace Skirt for KNITMuch!